
I do not expect to be here often at all. I was done with the flipnote service not long after I got myself a real computer. The service itself was disappointing in that while some people were brilliant with it, 99% of it was star-beggers, "scams," stolen, or just plain sucky.


Now it's become a blogging service. It may be temporary, it might not be. I never had much interest in blogs to begin with. It's like a diary or journal that you flash to the world. "Look at me, look at me, my life exists" has never been a part of my psychological make-up.


I suppose you'd want to know something about me (it is a blog, after all). I once made the Pokemon Adventures series on flipnote hatena. They were comedic, though barely animated. I was satisfied with a small crowd of fans and copiers, with barely 500 stars a flip. While I've backed them up, they are regretfully no longer accessible by the public. 


If you wish to find what I have been spending my creativity on, look on fanfiction.net for 5th Dimension. I have a variety of stories.